
How To Set Up Lead Scoring In Salesforce

  • AppExchange, Lead Scoring

In that location are several ways to handle lead scoring in salesforce, including using formula fields or edifice apex triggers, but i of the easiest is the Lead Scoring App. This is a terrific app that Salesforce Labs have built, and best of all, it's free.

How does Pb Scoring work?
The Lead Scoring app is a elementary packaged installation from the appexchange. Once you accept it deployed in your instance, yous'll see an app in the top right drib down for "Atomic number 82 Scoring". Select this, and you lot tin start.

The showtime step is to create Lead Scoring rules. The pb scoring app has a unproblematic interface that allows you to enter in each rule and the criteria for the rule.

Entering a Lead Scoring Rule
Entering a Pb Scoring Dominion

For each rule you lot create, you simply need to enter in the blazon of rule, how many points the rule is worth if it is met, and then the criteria for the rule. For instance, if your visitor targets Technology companies, you could enter a dominion that says if the Industry equals "Loftier Tech" for a lead, that atomic number 82 gets 25 points.

Now, one of the best features of the lead scoring app, is not but can you score off of values from the lead, but y'all tin can create scores based on Entrada Membership that the lead is associated with. Have a very important email entrada that you desire to make sure the responses become to the top of the list? Yous can set the score so a Response to that entrada is worth any number of points and have information technology moved to the top of the phone call queue. The lead scoring is cumulative, and so a atomic number 82 can score across multiple rules. In full, the awarding supports up to 200 separate rules, counting both leads & campaign fellow member rule types.

Overall, for a complimentary application, this is a tough 1 to beat. The fact it can support lead & campaign member blazon rules, and can have up to 200 rules immediately makes information technology much more robust then something you tin exercise with formula fields. The ease of which you can add together new rules couple with an easy interface to activate and deactivate rules as needed makes it an easy pick over custom code if your business rules support it.

Parting Tips
If this is something that interests you, hither are some quick tips we've found when deploying this with our clients.

  • Become your business rules down first. This app makes pb scoring very like shooting fish in a barrel to implement, merely you still demand to understand your concern to come up with rules that make sense. Be sure to map that out before rolling this out. That said, yous could hands implement this in stealth style and use information technology as a way to collect data, before doing a full coil-out.
  • Don't try to exist perfect the get-go time. While it's important to sympathize your business organization and coil out a good dominion set, it doesn't need to be perfect. Lead Scoring inevitably leads to surprises and subconscious gems of lead segments that you never realized were such high quality. A tool similar this helps you adapt rapidly equally you uncover these changes. In addition, the pb scoring app includes a simple push button that allows you to re-score all of your leads as y'all make lead scoring modifications.
  • While the interface for pb scoring but allows you to select i lead field at a time, you can create more complex logic past creating a formula field, and then referring to that with the lead scoring rule. If you lot accept a rule that needs multiple criteria to exist met (High Tech companies with over $1B in revenue for example) the formula field is the mode to go for that.
  • The scores update each time you edit the lead. Be certain to include qualification information that your sales reps are trying to collect when they speak to your leads into the model. This way the score is adjusting as you acquire more than nearly your leads.
  • Finally, don't be agape to use negative score values. Sometimes the best result is knowing who not to call. If there is a segment that you know is not worth the resources to pursue, assign them with a negative score and have them removed from your call queues.

Harry Radenberg

Harry is the CEO and founder of GearsCRM, with more 18 years of experience working with the Salesforce platform. Outside of Gears, Harry enjoys debating Star Wars and Marvel with his son and sharing music and videos with his girl. He is an avid racquetball actor, bleeds Dodger blue, cries Jets green and always tries to find spare time to read a good fiction novel.

How To Set Up Lead Scoring In Salesforce,


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