
How To Set Up Gen 1 Chromecast

Now playing: Watch this: Set upwardly the Google Chromecast


To hear Google tell information technology, y'all'd think its Chromecast practically installed itself. I tin can tell you from experience that this is non the case.

To Google's credit, Chromecast setup is a cakewalk compared with some of the hair-pulling experiences I've had involving the Apple TV, for which I suspect Apple designed the remote control out of metal in order to help you withstand the compulsion to throw that thing back into the useless hell it spawned from. But I digress. Hither'due south how to set your Google Chromecast.

Plugging information technology in
Sounds simple plenty. Catch your dongle and stick it in. Just there's more than to information technology.

Beginning off, the Chromecast dongle requires more than power than an HDMI port lone is able to provide. Then to deliver the extra juice it needs, a Micro-USB cablevision is included that can be run to either the included power adapter, or ideally, an available USB port on your Tv. The latter option will minimize cable ataxia, relieve on ability, and requite yous one fewer thing to plug into what is likely an overcrowded power strip behind your Tv set.

Chromecast, plugged in.
An elegant solution, sorta. Sarah Tew/CNET

Some other hiccup in this first stride is that the Chromecast dongle may not fit quite right in the space carved out around your Tv's HDMI input -- specially when you factor in the Micro-USB power cable that juts out from the superlative. To requite you a little extra flexibility, Google includes a small HDMI extension cablevision that can hands exist plugged into cramped inputs.

In one case yous're plugged in and powered on, switch your Television receiver to the corresponding HDMI input and yous should run into a brusk Chrome startup screen and an invitation to get started.

Chromecast setup.
Afterward attaching the Chromecast to your TV, point your computer browser to Screenshot past Donald Bell/CNET

Software setup
The Chromecast dongle itself is a relatively "dumb" engineering -- in that location's no user interface, and no means of directly connecting a Bluetooth keyboard or remote.

So the beginning hurdle is to figure out how to get the Chromecast on your local Wi-Fi network, without whatever directly mode to talk to it. And so, to prepare your Chromecast direct on how to connect to the Internet, you'll have to talk to it through a nearby browser. In my case I had a MacBook running Google'due south Chrome browser. I pointed it to the address listed on my TV (also inscribed on the within of the Chromecast box):

Chromecast setup.
Next, install the Chromecast setup app on your Mac or PC. Screenshot by Donald Bell/CNET

Once here, I was prompted to download a small Chromecast setup application. Initially the app is used to locate and identify any nearby Chromecasts. You can tell yours apart using the name and unique 4-digit ID shown on your Telly screen.

Finally, you'll get in at a step for selecting your Wi-Fi network. This step is critical, because for the Chromecast to work it needs to be on the aforementioned Wi-Fi network as the devices you desire to use it with. Select your network from the drop-downwardly list, type in any required passwords or allow the software pull one over from your countersign keychain, and if you lot're feeling saucy, give your Chromecast a personalized proper name.

Chromecast setup.
For better or worse, the Chromecast relies on your figurer to determine which Wi-Fi network it will connect to. Screenshot past Donald Bell/CNET

Merely you're not out of the woods however. In order to use ane of the most coveted of the Chromecast'south features -- the ability to button whatsoever Web content to your Television -- you lot'll need to accept i extra step and install the Google Cast Chrome extension. Doing so gives you a cracking little button in the upper-right corner of your browser that will toss the currently displayed tab over to your Tv, giving you admission to the wide earth of streaming-video services.

Chromecast setup.
In the concluding step, you'll be prompted to install a Chrome extension that places a Chromecast button in the top-right corner of your browser. Screenshot by Donald Bell/CNET

Things get a picayune disruptive with services such every bit YouTube and Netflix, where a separate Chromecast button is provided directly on the video player, which automatically kicks content over at total screen. This is the typical usage scenario, so it makes sense, simply if you really are dying to see the video displayed exactly every bit it is on your computer screen (comments and all) you can opt to use the Chromecast button in the corner of your browser instead of the 1 shown on the video histrion.

Chromecast button on YouTube.
Sites such as YouTube and Netflix have integrated specific Chromecast buttons into their video players, which push loftier-quality video at total screen. Screenshot by Donald Bell/CNET

Using the Chromecast with mobile devices is some other story. As notwithstanding, there is no fashion I tin can find to ship over mobile Chrome browser pages to the Chromecast (I trust the Net will correct me if I'g wrong). Instead, you'll find Chromecast buttons included in a select number of apps, such every bit Netflix, YouTube, and Google Play apps such equally Play Video and Play Music (Android-only). Back up for Pandora is expected soon.

The upside to this app-specific implementation of the Chromecast is that the screen of your mobile device is transformed into a remote control, allowing you lot to play, suspension, skip, or scrub through the content on your screen. In this fashion, volume adjustments made to your device will be reflected in the volume of the content displayed on your TV.

Netflix app using Chromecast.
Mobile devices, such as Android and iOS phones and tablets, tin can make use of the Chromecast using compatible apps, such as Netflix. Screenshot by Donald Bell/CNET

Tips and tricks
Finally, a few tips and tricks I learned along the way. When using the Chrome browser on your computer to transport content to the Chromecast, you have a few extra settings that y'all tin can mess with. Printing the Chromecast button in the pinnacle-correct corner of your browser, select Options, and the post-obit listing of settings will pop up.

Chromecast options
An Options setting found via the Chrome browser'southward Chromecast button allows you to tweak a handful of settings. Screenshot by Donald Bell/CNET

And though I hope that y'all never have reason to employ it, there is a way to perform a factory reset on the Chromecast. Since I had to re-create the process for first-fourth dimension setup multiple times, hither'south a trick I found for starting from scratch.

Locate the small push at the top edge of the Chromecast, near the Micro-USB port. While the device is powered on and plugged into your Goggle box, hold the button down for at to the lowest degree 25 seconds until the indicator light starts flashing. I found I had to do this twice before the reset took and the screen went dark and rebooted.

How To Set Up Gen 1 Chromecast,


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